This course teaches you how to accompany songs on the guitar in any key with my favorite chord shapes, fingerpick/strum patters and “riffs”. In the end, you’ll be able to play & sing the following 15 hymns in a contemporary folk/acoustic style…
“Amazing Grace”
“Be Thou My Vision”
“Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing”
“Fairest Lord Jesus”
“For the Beauty of the Earth”
“Great is Thy Faithfulness”
“How Firm a Foundation”
“It is Well”
“Jesus Paid it All”
“Nothing But the Blood of Jesus”
“Oh the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus”
“Pass Me Not O Gentle Savior”
“Praise to the Lord, the Almighty”
“This is My Father’s World”
“When I Survey” (“Water is Wide” Melody)
Through these hymns, you’ll learn…
- great sounding chord shapes I use 98% of the time!
- great fingerpicking and strum patterns.
- how to develop a great sound.
- string muting.
- how to tune, restring and maintain your acoustic guitar.
- to sing & play at the same time!
- how to play in any key by thoughtfully using a capo!
- chord walk down and walk ups.
- practical music theory!
- how to play in different time signatures.
- great sounding open string scales.
- hammer-ons, pull-offs & vibrato.
- some great guitar “riffs” and how to create your own!
- drop d tuning and chords.
- chord/melody arrangements.
Course Requirements:
- Ages 8* to Adult
- Acoustic Guitar (3/4 Size for Ages 8-12)
- Guitar Tuner
- Capo
- Picks
Additionally, you may also want:
- Guitar Stand
- Music Stand
- Guitar Case
- Extra Strings
- Strap
*Younger students may need some amount of direction from a parent while taking the course. A great chance to learn the guitar together!
Full access to the entire course is only $14.95 per month! Cancel anytime.